Summer Fun for the Fourth!

7 Easy Steps To Constructing A Charcuterie Board

November 17, 2020

7 Easy Steps To Constructing A Charcuterie Board - Essentially Charleston

Guest Blog Post by Katie Nardi, The Restored Board

Sure, charcuterie boards can look a little intimidating but when you break it down to the basics, it’s really not that hard. We may not be hosting large parties yet, but here's a simple "recipe" for building a great charcuterie board. 

Follow these seven easy steps to construct your next grazing board. We probably break all kinds of rules, if there are rules to this…but it’s all about what you like. Switch out the ingredients for what you like and enjoy!



  • Brie
  • Coastal Cheddar
  • Apricot Wenslydale
  • Rosemary Parmesan
  • Fresh Mozzarella
  • Goat Cheese (not pictured, but always a favorite)


  • Summer Sausage
  • Salami
  • Pepperoni (we generally use prosciutto, but our store was out)

Cracker Varieties

  • Triscuits
  • Crostini
  • Carr Crackers


  • Blueberries
  • Cherries
  • Grapes

The Extras

  • Pomegranate Seeds
  • Apricot Preserves
  • Pickles
  • Olives
  • Honey
  • Deli Mustard
  • Pistachios


    Step 1
    Use small containers or ramekins to anchor your board and fill them with loose items, condiments and items that may cause any sogginess (such as mustard, honey, pickles, olives and preserves). These will help to build your board and support other food items, so best to start here.

    Step 2
    Add your cheeses. Spread them out around the board so they’re easily accessible. Feel free to get creative with your placement and arrangements.

    Step 3
    Add meats. Same thing, you’ll want to spread them out across the board. This will also encourage different snacking combinations.

    Step 4
    Place large fruits such as grape bunches.

    Step 5
    Add crackers in rows, semi-circles around the ramekins or use more organic-shaped crackers to fill in empty spaces.

    Step 6
    Add fillers. This is where I add blueberries, cherries and pistachios to fill in any empty spaces, still placing them around the board in multiple spots.

    Step 7
    Add your finishing touches. Garnishes (fresh rosemary, thyme & basil are good ones, but we were out) and serving pieces will round out your board and give it a finished look.


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