Spring Has Sprung in Charleston!

Charleston Snack Attack


It’s the Charleston Snack Attack! Perfect for friends, families, or coworkers to share! A little sweet, a little savory 😋


  • Olde Colony Bakery Benne Wafers: A Charleston favorite, our recipe dates back over 100 years and is believed to be the original Benne Wafer recipe.
  • Charleston's Own Key Lime Cookies: Charleston's Own classic Key Lime cookies are hand crafted and baked in house according to a family recipe. They use the best ingredients available, including cage free eggs and organic citrus. Light, crispy and full of key lime flavor with a coating of fine powdered sugar.
  • Charleston's Own Salt Water TaffyA half-pound bag of assorted Lowcountry salt water taffy. Assortment includes flavors of watermelon, key lime, peppermint, banana, peach, strawberry, and cherry. Charleston's Own saltwater taffy is soft and full of flavor!
  • Callie's Hot Little Biscuit Cheese WafersExtra sharp Vermont cheddars, flour, butter, and signature spices all hand-rolled together and garnished with a generous sprinkling of fresh cracked black pepper create this addictive cocktail snack. Bet you can't have just one!
  • Lowcountry Kettle Chips Bloody Mary ChipsMade with the same zesty ingredients you would find over ice – minus the booze, of course!
  • Lowcountry Kettle Chips Bulls Bay Salt Chips: A spritz of premium sea salt and simplicity.